Night Formation Flight Procedures
Error: going too low in relation to lead during breakup and
rendezvous due to improper inside/outside scan
Prevention/Correction: properly scan altimeter and lead's
lights, ensuring proper altitude maintained throughout
breakup and rendezvous
Error: improper closure rate due to poor concentration on
minimal visual cues and poor instrument (airspeed) scan
Prevention/Correction: continually monitor airspeed until
relative motion can be detected; inside/outside scan
Error: sucked position during join-up due to stopping too early
and crossing under with too much nose-to-tail
Prevention: ensure proper closure until in close where
relative motion can be recognized and proper crossunder can
be accomplished to arrive in parade position
Error: late recognition of parameters for underrun due to
improper scan of airspeed and poor recognition of excessive
closure rate
Prevention: scan airspeed and light triangle for relative
motion, ensuring proper closure maintained--keep eyes
moving, don't fixate
Underrun same as day procedures including common
errors except
After underrun, maintain altitude outside lead's radius of turn and
establish 500 ft stepdown and 250 KIAS
NOTE: Do not maneuver to day "stepped-up" position.
When cleared back in by lead, cross back into CV rendezvous
circle and reestablish CV rendezvous
NOTE: Underruns will not be induced by lead at night.
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