Metro Review
C. Request Procedures
Computer terminals located at Naval Oceanography Command
Detachments and facilities (NOCD or NOCF) and some squadron/
wing operations spaces (mostly VP squadrons/wings)
NOTE: Found in NOCD/NOCF and Marine weather offices from
Japan to Spain.
Lead time of 2-3 hours normally required; actual process,
however, only takes ten minutes or less
Best service provided if requested a day in advance of flight
Secondary method is through DoD message system (AUTODIN)
This method allows access at any military base or aircraft
Message process takes 8-10 hours (minimum) from the time
the request is sent
D. For a single leg flight plan (no intermediate stops), the following input
data is required
NOTE: Examples for a flight from NAS Kingsville to Hill AFB are
Fig 36 & 37: OPARS
included in the following.
Request Form
1. Pilot/unit - (optional entry)
2. Leg - 1 (no intermediate stops)
3. POD - KNQI (ICAO for Point Of Departure)
NOTE: In CONUS, “NQI” would be sufficient.
4. POA - CUS (Point Of Arrival, Hill AFB)
5. Routing
a. $J (computer select best jet route)
b. $R (fly jet routes or direct legs)
$C (canned tracks, i.e., IR routes)
d. ..., OLM, J126, RBL, J1, OAK, ... (route desired by pilot)
e. Several other options
6. TOD/TOA - 2000 (Time Of Departure. Time Of Arrival could be
entered if desirous of arriving at a specified time)
(8-97) Original
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