T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 INav-02
Introduction to INav and Voice Procedures
All readbacks should be preceded by
aircraft identification/call sign
Read back altitudes, altitude
restrictions, and vectors in the same
sequence as received
Altitudes contained in SIDs, instrument
approaches, etc., need not be read
back unless specifically requested by
the controller
When clearance acceptably deviates, pilot
reads back to indicate acceptance
NOTE: Normally clearance delivery will
state the reason for the change if the
clearance differs from the one filed.
zero zero is cleared to Navy Pensacola, as
filed, except after takeoff, direct Palacios,
rest of route unchanged. Climb and
maintain one zero thousand. Expect flight
level two seven zero ten minutes after
takeoff; Kingsville Departure three zero five
point two. Squawk four seven one zero."
PILOT: "Clearance Delivery: Navy Bravo
two zero zero is cleared to Navy
Pensacola, as filed, except after takeoff,
direct Palacios, rest of route unchanged.
Climb and maintain one zero thousand.
Expect flight level two seven zero ten
minutes after takeoff; Kingsville Departure
three zero five point two. Squawk four
seven one zero."
If clearance delivered is unacceptable, pilot
has option to refuse, and new clearance will
be issued to pilot
(6-99) Original
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