Introduction to ACM
33. Post--the center of the bubble (one turn radius from the
aircraft). The post determines pursuit curves needed for
effective BFM.
34. Range--linear distance between two aircraft stated in nm or ft
35. SA (situational awareness)--cognizance of all factors in a
tactical arena that affect mission success
36. Say state--transmit Fuel remaining
37. Shackle--turn made to redress section by crossing member to
other side, thus resuming proper combat spread position
38. Shooter--as applied to section forward quarter tactics, fighter
pulling for shot as his wingman passes close aboard and VIDs
the bandit
39. Slice turn--a radical change in direction with minimal lateral
displacement and energy/speed bleedoff performed by rolling to
place the lift vector below the horizon at some oblique angle
and applying g
40. Steady--I am on prescribed heading
41. Steady up--Roll out immediately on present heading
42. Tac (tactical) Lead--member of flight having best SA and
directing section maneuvers (not always the Mil lead)
43. Tally--bandit visually sighted
44. Visual--wingman in sight
(10-98) Original
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