Introduction to ACM
19. Joker--fuel state preparatory to bug out followed shortly
thereafter by bugout call
20. Knock it off--Stop fight or current maneuvers
21. Line of Sight (LOS)--bearing to bandit relative to fighter
22. Lufbery--horizontal or slightly oblique stalemate engagement
with both aircraft across the circle from each other, turning in
same direction at low energy state
23. Merge plot--radar tracks have come together, cannot be
distinguished from each other
24. Mil lead--the flight lead
25. No joy--I do not see the bandit
26. On the deck--at minimum altitude
27. Overshoot--two types:
3/9 line overshoot--passing from aft of a bandit's wingline
to in front of it
Flight-path overshoot--flying through a bandit's flight path
aft of his 3/9 line. Further defined by its relation to Control
28. Padlocked--I have tally and can't take my eyes off bandit for
fear of losing contact due to visibility/range, etc.
29. Pigeons--the magnetic bearing and distance of home base (or
unit indicated)
30. Pitchback--pulling vertically 60 degrees nose-high at 17 units
AOA, used to attempt to meet the bandit head-on with minimum
lateral separation in situations where the bandit is less than
1 mile, high above horizon, or at your dead six
31. POM--plane of motion. The two dimensional plane in which an
aircraft's turn circle is being scribed.
32. Popeye--in clouds or area of reduced visibility
(10-98) Original
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