Air Combat Maneuvering
Flight Procedures
early turns for a shot. In Figure 37, Part 2, after the close aboard pass, the eyeball (now the free fighter)
will extend to set up a counterflow tactic. The shooter (now the engaged fighter) will force the bogey into a
predictable flight path by maintaining the offensive advantage and taking shots of opportunity. After
separation is accomplished, the free fighter (eyeball) turns back into the fight and eventually shoots the
bogey on the cold side. Once the free fighter is in position for a shot, it may be necessary to call for the
current engaged fighter to pitch off in a direction that will safely clear him from interfering with the missile
shot and to avoid a midair collision. This situation is especially dangerous if the new free fighter delays his
counterflow turn and aligns for a rear-quarter shot without calling the engaged fighter off. Failing to do that
immediately sets up the potential for a midair. This type of fight may develop into a scenario similar to
multi-switch engagements.
Following is an example of voice comm appropriate in an abeam attack where the fighters can
bracket the bogey. However, in this example, the roles are not immediately defined.
Tactical lead (inside man): Bronco, Tac right, bogey right two, 3 miles. Slams
padlocked, Slams the eyeball.
Tactical wingman: Tally one, Broncos the shooter. {When ready for eyeball to turn}
Tactical lead: Roger.
Engaged fighter (tactical lead): Slam will take him close aboard; you early turn.
{pause} (If shooter loses tally) Start your turn.
Free fighter: Broncos early turning high.
Engaged fighter: MIG, MIG.
Should the bogey attack from the abeam without sufficient lateral separation for a successful Tac turn, the
inside fighter maneuvers to maximize his AOT and attempts to meet the bogey head-on. After the pass,
or when the bogey switches to the outside fighter, the inside fighter extends to gain separation for a shot.
The outside fighter in this scenario initiates a turn into the bogey to avoid exposing his six and meets the
bogey head-on. The outside fighter attempts to force the bogey into a predictable flight path. As before,
the fight may develop into a scenario similar to multi-switch engagements.
Visual Forward-Quarter Attacks
In a visual forward-quarter attack, Figure 37, the bogey will attack from the 11-1 oclock position. In the
fleet, this situation may be a shot opportunity. However, in the Training Command, the fighters must
maneuver for a rear-quarter shot. As in the abeam attack, the section will attempt to force the bogey
between the section to ensure the bracket. The fighter closest to the bogey will designate himself as the
eyeball and take command of the section as tactical lead. His wingman will be designated the shooter and
will maneuver, if necessary, to gain increased lateral separation and airspeed while maintaining sight of his
lead. If the bogey attempts to fly outside the section, the eyeball will call appropriate check turns to ensure
a bracket.
At approximately 1-1/2 miles from the pass, the eyeball will call for the shooter to begin his turn for the
shot and will continue to communicate the bogeys range and position if the shooter has failed to acquire a
tally. It is the eyeballs responsibility to pass the bogey close-aboard, while calling the pass to facilitate the
shooter gaining a tally. When directed, the shooter will begin his engaging turn toward the eyeball. He will
continue his turn, even if he has not acquired a tally, and position his nose on the eyeball throughout the
turn. By the time the shooter places his nose on the eyeball, the pass should occur, allowing the shooter
to obtain the tally and maneuver for an offensive position. After gaining the tally, the shooter will call his
tally and inform the eyeball of his intentions. The eyeball, now the free fighter, will extend to set up a
counterflow for a shot.
A number of situations could develop during a visual forward-quarter intercept depending on the initial
move of the bogey. At the pass, the bogey can maneuver in one of three directions: straight ahead,
across the eyeballs tail, or reverse toward the shooter. If the bogey was properly bracketed, any
maneuver other than reversing toward the shooter should result in an immediate kill.
T-45C Revision 1
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