Flight Procedures
Air Combat Maneuvering
When neither fighter is in a position to take the bogey close aboard, the bogey can split the section. In this
situation, both fighters early turn prior to the pass, forcing the bogey into a predictable flight path. Here,
each fighter maneuvers out-of-plane and calls his intentions as the fight develops. When the roles are
defined, the free fighter extends to gain separation and comes back into the fight using counterflow tactics
for a shot.
In all cases throughout section tactics, the free fighter must gain the proper separation during his extension
to ensure the quickest kill. If the situation arises where the free fighter pulls for a shot without sufficient
lateral separation, the free fighter ends up missing the shot and is forced into an in-phase engagement
with the wingman and the bogey. This is a situation commonly referred to as a Daisy Chain, where both
fighters are engagedone offensively and one defensively. This violates the Loose Deuce doctrine of one
engaged fighter and one free fighter. If the offensive fighter is unable to get an immediate shot, he must
disengage and maneuver for separation to reestablish an out-of-phase condition. During his separation he
must keep the fight constantly in sight to avoid exposing his six to the bogey and to maintain situational
awareness for making appropriate tactical decisions.
Following is an example of voice comm that would occur during the first scenario of a visual
forward quarter attack:
Engaged fighter (tactical lead): Scottys taking him close aboard, right to right, {bogey
acknowledges}, start your turn.
Free fighter: Docs early turn high.
Engaged fighter: Passingnow, MIG.
Free fighter: Docs engaged, left turn offensive.
Engaged fighter: Scottys free, extending for counterflow.
New free fighter: Turning in, tally visualDoc, pitch off high right.
New engaged fighter: Roger, pitching off.
Free fighter: Fox-2, bogey low left turn, Doc, come back left, Im at your left 8 low.
Beyond Visual Range (BVR)
In the real world, fighters are equipped with on-board radar and communicate with ground control intercept
(GCI) radar units for vectors to intercept a bogey long before he could be visually sighted. During an
intercept, the fighters will employ tactics similar to those that you have learned in the visual forward-quarter
exercises, especially ensuring that a single bogey is always bracketed. Your BVR exercises will be as
close as you can get to the real world. Consider them a graduation exercise, in that everything you have
learned up to this point is likely to occur in these engagements.
The BVR exercise is set up using briefed TACAN radials/DME and/or visual points on the ground to
designate combat air patrol (CAP) stations (areas of responsibility when on patrol). For safe separation
during non-visual contact, you will also use block altitudes. Note the examples below.
High block altitude = 16,000-20,000 ft
Low block altitude = 10,000-15,000 ft
When any aircraft attains sight, they may enter the other aircrafts block altitude.
To execute the exercise, the bogey and the fighters proceed to their respective CAPs. All aircraft orbit at
their CAPs until called in by the bogey. When bogey calls Fights on, all aircraft fly an in-bound heading/
course. When any aircraft gains sight, the engagement begins utilizing all the strategies you have learned
in ACM. Other tactics exist that could handle this situation, but they are beyond the scope of this FTI and
will be introduced to you in the fleet.
T-45C Revision 1
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