Tactical Formation
Flight Procedures
The declutter function works the same in the air-to-air
mode as in the navigation mode. Figure 17 displays the
normal A/A master mode. Selection of Declutter One
(Figure 18) removes AOA, Mach number, and g (but
retains peak g) from the display. Selection of Declutter
Two (Figure 19) removes the heading scale in addition to
the items removed in Declutter One. Using declutter in
TacForm is not practical because you will lose AOA and g
from the HUD display.
Sealed Video Module
The sealed video module records the view through the
HUD. The entire module is placed in the VCR receptacle
located in the aft cockpit, right console, and is secured by
placing the locking bar in the LOCKED position. In the
RECORD position, the VCR begins recording shortly after
power is applied to the aircraft. With the aft cockpit VCR
switch in STBY or OFF, the forward cockpit VCR switch
controls VCR operation. The forward cockpit VCR switch
has three positions: (1) ON, VCR starts recording; (2)
OFF, VCR operation is controlled by the aft cockpit;
(3) AUTO, VCR starts recording when the master
armament switch is set to ARM.
Off the Perch
The offensive perch position (low-angle perch) is defined
as 3/4-1 nm abeam on a 45-degree bearing line with 1000
feet of step-up. The lateral separation gives you turning
room to maneuver into a FOX-2 position. Do not be close
or acute on an offensive setup. Close yields less turning
room and acute yields a higher built-in track crossing angle
(TCA) at the low reversal, which only aggravates the
solution. Do not go wider than 1 nm since this allows the
bogey more turning time to generate higher angle off.
In order to maintain your offensive advantage, execute an
overbanked hard turn, pulling down to the bogey.
Continue turning into the bogey until he breaks the horizon
and your nose points at him. Reverse your turn. Use pure
pursuit to place your nose on the bogey while attempting to
align fuselages. This accomplishes two things: 1) it
results in an uphill attack that will facilitate a high yo-yo if
one becomes necessary, and 2) it provides you with the lowest TCA possible. Anytime a lag maneuver such
as a high yo-yo is initiated, the TCA is increased by the requirement to roll the lift vector out of plane, which
also places your nose behind the opponent. The lower the TCA at the start of such a maneuver, the less
total TCA will be generated during the maneuver.
Place the nose on the bogeys tailpipe (heat source), squeeze the trigger, and call FOX-2. At the FOX-2
call, the bogey will commence a turn. In order to maintain your relative position, a high yo-yo may be
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