Tactical Formation
Flight Procedures
Example: Engaged fighter: My guns are jammed, can you engage?
Free fighter: Roger, Murphs in.
Engaged fighter: Torchs off.
New engaged fighter: Murphs engaged at your left nine low, bogeys on my nose,
1/2 mile.
New free fighter: Tally, visual, Torchs free.
Remain in low cover because nose-to-tail distance is greater than 1000 feet.
If not engaging, continue until reaching approximately 1000 feet of nose-to-tail. Ensure that you pass no
closer than 500 feet to the engaged fighter. Reduce AOB and increase back stick in order to fly outside
and above the engaged fighters turn. Be careful not to fly through the engaged fighters jet wash and, as
always, maintain sight of the engaged fighter. Continue above and outside the engaged fighters turn until
nose-to-tail distance matches that of the high cover position.
The free fighter should always be in position to engage from either high or low cover. As the free fighter
assumes the engaged role, he continues to pull inside the engaged fighter to acquire appropriate lead on
the bogey. The engaged fighter relinquishes his role as he calls Off, rolls wings level, and pulls nose up.
The new engaged fighter winds up below and inside the new free fighter as he continues moving into a
high cover position. The fighter who is engaging is responsible for safe separation.
The free fighter is tasked with the overall responsibility for maintaining separation, keeping sight and
preserving the 500-foot bubble while either changing roles or transitioning from low/high cover. The free
fighter will never engage from forward of the 4/8 position of the engaged fighter because of the midair
potential. Both fighters are responsible for avoiding midair collisions. Although the engaged fighter cannot
always maintain visual contact, he must attempt to keep the free fighter in sight as much as possible.
The engaged fighter may call a bogey reversal at any time during the exercise by saying, Bogeys
reversed, and the free fighter must maneuver his aircraft to stay in a cover position.
High Cover
The free fighter may use two maneuvers when reacting to the engaged fighters (bogey) reversals, 1) the
displacement roll reversal, or 2) the basic reversal. Select the appropriate maneuver based on your
capability to keep sight and to maintain vertical and lateral separation.
Displacement Roll Reversal
When the engaged fighter reverses, reduce your AOB and raise the nose. Canopy roll to the outside of
the engaged fighters new turn and remain in high cover. Maintaining sight of the engaged fighter is the
primary advantage of this reversal.
Basic Reversal
As the engaged fighter crosses your nose, reverse to maintain the high cover position. Momentarily losing
sight of the engaged fighter under your nose is the disadvantage of this maneuver.
Low Cover
When you hear the bogeys reversed call from the engaged fighter, you reverse and either 1) pull inside
the engaged fighters turn and slide back into low cover or 2) move into high cover with the appropriate
voice call.
(4-03) Original
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