Weapons Delivery Principles and Procedures
During straight-path tracking, a constant dive angle is maintained and the pipper is allowed to track
straight to the aimpoint. The g load will become slightly less than one g. With wings level after roll-in,
immediately reset the nose to put the target (or the offset aim point) at your initial sight setting (65 mils
for 30 degree bombs, 70 mils for 20 degree bombs, and 55 mils for 10 degree bombs) and note the
resultant dive angle using the inner tips of the pitch ladder or your ADI. Hold this dive angle for the
duration of the tracking run (Figure 18). If the resultant dive angle is more than 5 degrees greater or less
than planned, abort the run and move your roll-in point in or out appropriately on the next run.
Make left/right corrections for pipper deflection early in the run. Avoid tracking down the chute in an
angle of bank because the pendulum effect of your bombsight will make precise tracking difficult. In-
stead, use quick wing dips to make small heading changes, then evaluate the pipper's ground track with
your wings level. Note deviations from planned dive angle so that you can more easily calculate neces-
sary corrections in release altitude. While tracking, you must not only control the motion of the pipper,
Straight-path tracking initial sight picture
65 mils short of target.
Pipper is allowed to track continuously
from roll-in to aimpoint.
25 mils
50 mils
75 mils
100 mils
8,000' Roll-in
Set Initial
Sight Picture
3,000' Release
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(4-03) Original