Accurate weapons delivery requires
that you correctly analyze and adjust
Press DATA
for the effects of altitude, airspeed,
dive angle, and pipper to target to
ensure ordnance release within
Previous Wind
prescribed parameters. You must be
Direction Displays
able to perform essential calculations
and adjustments during the tracking
run. The HUD will assist you in
performing these functions by permit-
Enter New Value
Press ENT
ting you to scan flight instruments and
aiming displays without scanning
inside the cockpit.
Press ENT
After completing the interactive BIT
and entering the altimeter and field
Previous Wind
height, you're ready to enter target
Speed Displays
data into the HUD (Figure 5). First,
press DATA on the data entry panel
(DEP). The scratch pad displays wind
Enter New Value
Press ENT
direction (WD) and the last entered
wind-direction value. Enter the
forecast wind direction for the release
altitude at the target and press ENT.
Press ENT
The scratch pad then displays wind
speed (WS) and the current wind-
speed value. Enter the forecast wind
speed for the release altitude at the
Previous Target
Height Displays
target and press ENT. The scratch
pad displays target height (TH) and
the current target height value. Enter
the height of the target and press
Press ENT
Enter New Value
Second, set the sight depression
angle in mils. Set the weapons
Press ENT
selector to BOMBS to get the air-to-
ground depressed sight line (DSL)
submode for bombs. Just below the
radar altitude, BOMBS covered by an
"X" and "140" will be displayed.
BOMBS indicates that you are in the DSL submode, X indicates that the master armament switch is set
to SAFE, and 140 represents the default mil setting for bombs. You can increase the displayed mil
setting by pressing the top "+" of the SET DEP key or decrease the mil setting by pressing the bottom
"-" of the SET DEP key. Selecting ROCKETS or GUN A/G on the weapons selector will switch the
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