Tactical Formation
Safety/Emergency Situations
Always remember that safety is paramount. As you move further into the tactical phase of flight
training, the potential for an incident increases significantly. If, however, you think only about being
safe, you will never achieve the level of proficiency necessary to be a competent tactical aviator.
Safety is the natural and number one by-product of operational proficiency. Complete knowledge,
thorough preparation, and continuous practice are the keys to achieving operational proficiency.
The following specific areas will go a long way in making you a safe and effective tactical jet pilot.
All midair collisions are a result of pilots failing to recognize constant bearing and decreasing range
until it is too late to take evasive action. Up until now, all your flying in close proximity to other
aircraft has been static, and rates of change have always been tightly controlled. This will not be the
case in the rest of your tactical flying.
Spatial awareness is the ability to project the flight paths of your aircraft and other aircraft in relation
to each other. By developing spatial awareness and fully understanding your aircraft’s capabilities,
you will prevent midair collisions.
As you learned in CQ, if you aren’t in good position at the abeam, the chances are by the time you
get to the ramp you are not in a good position to land. Similarly, in TacForm, near misses are often
caused by the wingman being out of position at the start of the maneuver. Strive to be in position at
all times.
In order to minimize the potential for a midair collision, especially in the air-to-air phase, you must
keep your head on a swivel. Learn to take quick glances into the cockpit to get the information you
want and then to look back outside immediately. Any aircraft that loses sight for more than an
instant must transmit “Lost sight.” The other aircraft will provide descriptive/directive commentary to
help the lost-sight aircraft reacquire sight. If this is unsuccessful, the instructor will call, “Knock it
All aircraft have specific structural/aerodynamic limitations. If you do not heed these limitations, you
could damage the aircraft. It is mandatory that you know all the aircraft limitations and procedures.
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