Appendix A
Tactical Formation
Study Resources for Tactical Formation:
[A] T-45A NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000
[B] Tactical Formation Flight Training Instruction (FTI)
[C] MIL lesson for Eng-02, and CAI lessons for ONFP-01, ONFP-02, and WepFP-01
TFFP-01: HUD, 0.7 hr, CAI
Lesson Preparation:
* [A] Review Part VIII, Chapter 22, Armament System
* [C] Review
Lesson Objectives:
* Interpret HUD air-to-air symbology
* Recall settings for air-to-air submodes
* Recall procedure to enter air-to-air data
* Identify failure of HUD air-to-air modes
* Recall procedure for responding to a failure of the air-to-air modes
TFFP-02: Introduction to Tactical FormationSection Turns, 1.5 hr, Classroom
Lesson Preparation:
* [A] Review Part IV, Flight Characteristics, Part V, Emergency Procedures, and Part VIII,
Chapter 22, Armament System
* [B] Read
Lesson Objectives:
* Describe the correct position and purpose of the combat spread formation
* Describe the concept of mutual support in a tactical situation
* Recall the responsibilities of the lead aircraft in combat spread
* Recall the responsibilities of the wingman in combat spread
* Describe the lookout responsibilities of lead and wingman
* Recall procedures for cruise turns into wingman
* Recall procedures for cruise turns away from wingman
* Recall procedures for performing uncalled cruise turns into and away from wingman
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing check turns
* Recall the types and purposes of engaging turns
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing tactical turns
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing in-place turns
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing cross turns
(11-98) Original
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