Tactical Formation
Angle Of Attack (AOA): The angle between the wing chord and the relative wind. Referred to as
units rather than degrees because there is no zero reference.
Angle Of Bank (AOB): The angle between the wing and the horizon, assuming no wing dihedral.
Angle Off The Tail (AOT): Angle between defender’s longitudinal axis and attacker’s line-of-sight.
More simply, attacker’s position off defender’s tail.
Angels: Altitude of aircraft above mean sea level in thousands of ft.
Bandit: Air contact identified as hostile.
Blind: “I do not see lead/wingman/friendly.”
Bogey: Unidentified air contact.
Boresight: Synonymous with nose of aircraft when tracking a target.
Break Turn: Maximum rate turn (20 units AOA) executed to defeat an employed weapon.
Buster: Fly at MRT.
Check Turns: Type of cruise turn that maneuvers the section 30 degrees or less.
Combat Spread: Two-aircraft tactical formation designed for mutual support.
Cross Turn: An engaging turn that maneuvers a section 180 degrees by turning lead and wingman
into each other.
Cruise Turn: Called or uncalled turns that maneuver a section 90 degrees, either into or away from
the wingman.
Deck: Minimum altitude.
Descriptive Comm: Radio calls of an informative nature used to build a mental picture.
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(11-98) Original