Basic Instrument Maneuvers
Instrument Flight
During the descent you will control airspeed with pitch and rate of descent with power. A common
mistake in this maneuver is to attempt to control airspeed with power and descent rate with pitch. Avoid
making abrupt adjustments in response to VSI indications because this instrument will tend to lag behind
the actual performance of the aircraft, and you will find yourself chasing it.
Accomplish the transition to level flight just as you would for constant airspeed descents. Lead the
desired altitude by 10 percent of VSI, simultaneously advancing throttle to cruise power while establishing
a pitch reference for level flight.
Constant rate descent entry and exit:
Throttle: Reduce to 700 pph
Pitch: Adjust to maintain 200 KIAS (approximately 1-2 degrees nosedown)
Trim: Adjust for airspeed
VSI: Maintain 1,000-fpm descent
Level off: Lead by 10 percent of VSI
Throttle: Add power to approximately 1100 pph
Pitch: Raise to level flight attitude
Trim: Adjust for level flight
An essential element of many instrument procedures, level turns establish the foundation on which you
will build more complex maneuvers. The key to executing these maneuvers successfully is to know the
procedures and to integrate control and scan efficiently.
As you roll into a turn, the vertical component of lift will decrease, requiring a nose attitude correction to
maintain a constant altitude--and, of course, the amount of correction required will increase as the turn
becomes steeper. As the bank angle and aft stick pressure increase, airspeed will tend to decrease, so
you will have to add power to maintain airspeed.
Prior to entering a turn, trim your aircraft on the correct heading, airspeed, and altitude. When you
transition into a turn, use the ADI to establish the proper bank and pitch references, cross-check the
altimeter/VSI for a level turn. After you are established in the turn, include the airspeed indicator in your
scan. Monitor the ADI for roll-out point. During the roll-out, use the ADI to monitor both bank and pitch.
As with all other instrument maneuvers, trim throughout the turn to keep pressure off the stick.
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