Landing Procedures
One of the major goals of the familiarization stage is to ensure that you are able to perform the landing
pattern and touchdown consistently. Upon completion of the familiarization stage, you should be able to fly
a consistent landing pattern, regardless of weather conditions (e.g., crosswinds).
Use the normal VFR recovery to enter the landing pattern from the MOA when the field is accepting break
Monitor ATIS prior to leaving the MOA to get the latest weather and airport information. Follow the course
rules to arrive at the VFR initial and report your position to the tower. At this point, follow towers
When cleared by the tower and with proper interval, execute a level break using approximately 70- to 80-
degree AOB turn while extending the speed brakes and reducing your power to idle. Break within the first
two-thirds of the runway if you are cleared and your interval permits. At 200 KIAS, lower the gear and
position the flaps/slats as required.
To establish a correct landing interval, you will have to break when the aircraft immediately ahead of you in
the pattern is:
30 degrees aft of your wing if the aircraft is established on the downwind leg in a dirty configuration.
Between 10 and 30 degrees aft of your wing if the aircraft is executing a break.
Make allowances for different patterns, if known (e.g., no flaps, dissimilar aircraft, etc.).
NOTE: Ensure that you observe the landing configuration limitations for the landing gear, flaps and slats:
they should not be extended at airspeeds above 200 KIAS or greater than 2 gs.
When you are wings level on the downwind leg, approximately 1 nm abeam descend to 600 ft AGL,
establish optimum AOA (17 units), and cross-check AOA with airspeed. Since optimum AOA airspeed
varies with weight, you must add the fuel state to the aircraft weight to determine gross weight. To do so,
check your fuel state. Given a fuel state of 2,000 pounds, the gross weight of your aircraft is about 12,500
pounds. Airspeed at optimum AOA at 12,500 pounds is 118 + 2 KIAS. At optimum AOA, your airspeed will
change 2.5 KIAS for every 500 pound change in your gross weight.
Check your AOA indexers for correct operation with respect to your AOA indicator. Complete the landing
checklist prior to reaching the abeam position. Trim the aircraft for hands-off flight at optimum AOA to help
you stay on-speed during the landing approach.
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