Operational Navigation
Comply with FLIP AP/1B, local letters of agreement, and in-flight clearances.
Same as IR routes. Normally, you will contact the controlling ARTCC to cancel the IFR portion of
your flight plan and receive clearance to descend for route entry. Contact the nearest FSS
(255.4 MHz) and provide your call sign, route number, entry point, times in Zulu for entry and exit,
number of aircraft, type of aircraft, true airspeed, and altitude for route of flight. Check sectional and
FLIP publications for the correct FSS for route entry and exit (if different). If no response is received
from the FSS, transmit in the blind. This will alert other potential route users in the area. Monitor
255.4 en route, and fly the route as filed. At exit, check off the route with FSS and contact Center
(ARTCC) to resume your IFR flight plan.
Sample Comm:
"Houston Center, [call sign] 201"
"[call sign] 201, Houston Center, go ahead"
"[call sign] 201, cancel IFR, would like to proceed VFR to point Alpha on Victor Romeo 196"
"[call sign] 201, Houston, cancellation received, frequency change approved, squawk
appropriate codes"
"[call sign] 201, roger"
"San Angelo radio, [call sign] 201"
"[call sign] 201, San Angelo radio, go ahead"
"[call sign] 201, single T-45, entering point Alpha on the Victor Romeo 196 at 1730 Zulu, exiting
point Golf at 1802 Zulu; 500 feet, 360 knots"
"[call sign] 201, San Angelo radio, roger"
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