Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
Instrument Flight
Because of the standby AIs smaller size and different location of the standby instruments, you will have to
adjust your scan pattern. Resist any tendency to refer to the ADI display. You may tend to overcontrol
the aircraft during a recovery when using the standby AI because the relative amount of displacement
appears to be less than you would see when using the ADI display. Additionally, you will have to look
carefully at the standby AI when determining your attitude because it is somewhat harder to read than the
ADI display.
Partial panel missed approach procedures are the same as full panel. As you rotate to on-speed, note the
attitude will be approximately 5 degrees higher on the standby AI. Due to instrument lag, reference the
standby altimeter for level off and hold attitude as the standby VSI stabilizes.
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