Running Rendezvous
The lead climbs at a constant airspeed and power
setting, as briefed. The wingmen normally join in
balanced parade (fingertip) formation. The wingmen
should take advantage of any turn the lead may make
by cutting inside the lead's radius of turn while keeping
all aircraft in sight (Figure 33).
Division Fuel Check
As in section formation, a fuel check is passed in
balanced parade position after the initial join-up and
after any lead change. The lead passes the fuel check
to his wingman and the second section. The second
section lead (Dash-3) then passes the fuel-check
signal to his wingman (Dash-4). The second section
lead passes the lowest fuel state for his section to the
division lead, who then uses the lowest fuel state of
the four aircraft for planning purposes.
The balanced parade position (commonly referred to
as the fingertip formation) is a division formation which
allows for more maneuverability and ease of flying. As
in Figure 34, it is formed with Dash-2 on one side of
the lead and Dash-3 and Dash-4 on the other side.
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