Throughout the division formation procedures, all signals will be passed down the line and appropriate
responses passed back up the line. The wingman will acknowledge all frequency changes in sequence, as
well as checking in on new frequencies. The exceptions to this are ground and tower; the wingman will give
only a visual thumbs-up to acknowledge receiving this frequency.
Division marshaling is very similar to section marshaling except there are four aircraft. All pilots man their
aircraft and start their engines at the same time, complete checklists (identical to the FAM stage), final
checkers, and move to the marshaling area. The formation lead obtainsATC clearance for the flight. In the
marshaling area, pilots switch to marshaling frequency as briefed and check-in in sequence when the lead
calls "[flight call sign]." The formation lead passes ATIS, ATC clearance, squawk, and any other last-minute
instructions. Each wingman dials in the appropriate IFF code and leaves the IFF in standby throughout the
flight unless otherwise directed. The lead directs the wingmen to switch to the appropriate frequency for taxi.
The wingmen acknowledge in order with the position number--for example, "Two," "Three," "Four'--and then
switch to the new frequency. The lead switches to the new frequency and calls ground control for taxi--for
example, "Ground, [call sign], taxi flight of four, with alpha." Wingmen acknowledge they are up ground control
frequency by passing a thumbs-up up the line to the lead. The flight then taxis to the duty runway in order.
The division taxis in the same way that a section does, using alternate sides of the taxiway and maintaining
150 ft of nose-to-tail. All aircraft in the formation should automatically switch to tower frequency when the lead
turns into the hold short area.
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