Acute: A situation where a wingman is ahead of the bearing line.
Balanced Formation: A division formation where Dash-3 and Dash-4 are in parade position on the
lead and Dash-2 is in parade position opposite Dash-3 from the lead.
Bearing: An angle off the nose of the lead's aircraft used for position reference.
Bearing Line: A bearing off the nose of the lead's aircraft used for position reference.
Break: The portion of the landing pattern where an aircraft executes a decelerating turn to downwind.
Breakup and Rendezvous Exercise: The exercise that separates (breaks up) the flight in order to
practice rendezvous.
Climbing CV Rendezvous: The procedure which combines a climb with a basic CV circling
rendezvous. Closure: The rate at which an aircraft reduces range on another aircraft.
Column Position: The position behind the lead aircraft with 15 ft of stepdown and 10 ft of nose-to-tail.
Crossunder: A maneuver that moves a wingman laterally from parade position on one side of the
formation to parade position on the other. Two types of crossunder, the box and the "V," are flown. The
box crossunder is utilized at night and in the early formation flights. The "V" crossunder is used
exclusively for day flights after the first cruise formation flight.
Cruise Formation: A formation which allows the wingman more flexibility, providing better lookout
capabilities and additional fuel efficiency for the wingmen. (See also "Cruise position.")
Cruise Position: The position where the wingman maintains a bearing of approximately 45 degrees, a
stepdown of 15 ft and a nose-to-tail separation of 20 ft. (See also "Cruise formation.")CV Rendezvous:
A rendezvous that joins a flight together in a circular pattern. (See also "Climbing CV rendezvous.")
Division: The formation consisting of four aircraft (two sections). If the division separates into
two sections, Dash-3 is the lead for the second section.
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