Echelon: A division parade formation where all aircraft are on the same side of the lead along a
common 30-degree bearing line and each aircraft is in parade position on the preceding aircraft.
Fingertip: Common term for the division balanced parade formation where the Dash-2 aircraft is on
one side of the lead and Dash-3 and Dash-4 on the other side. (See also "Balanced formation.")
HEFOE: A method of signaling system failure when NORDO, using hand signals during the day or
a flashlight at night.
IFR Parade: A formation used when a section is penetrating clouds, or during an instrument approach.
Initial Rendezvous: A rendezvous used to join a flight together after takeoff that can be a CV
rendezvous, a running rendezvous, a combination of running and CV rendezvous, or a TACAN
Interval Takeoff: A takeoff where the wingman rolls 7 seconds after the lead allowing aircraft
separation in the event of an abort.
Kiss Off: The signal a pilot gives prior to detaching from the flight.
Light Triangle: The triangle used to judge bearing line position on a CV or TACAN rendezvous at night.
It is formed by the wingtip light, anti-collision light, and the tail light.
Marshal Area: A designated place on the ramp where formation flights assemble prior to taxiing to
the hold short area.
Nose-to-Tail: The distance from the preceding aircraft's tail to the wingman's nose.