17 June 2005
to the TRAWING with sufficient copies so that they can be forwarded to CNATRA, the carrier, Air Operations,
and the detachment OIC (usually submitted at the Presail Conference).
d. The Qualification Roster is used by the ship to keep track of all touch and go and arrestment
requirements for students, IUTs, lead/safes, and LSOs. Not only must the Qualification Roster be accurate, but it
must be in the correct format EXACTLY AS DEPICTED IN CHAPTER VIII of this instruction. The
TRAWING LSO, carrier Air Operations Officer, and CNATRA LSO should be advised of any changes, such as
field disqualifications, etcetera.
e. Prior to the commencement of CQ operations, pilot readiness shall be certified and submitted to
CNATRA IAW reference (b).
316. Procedures Aboard Ship. One "Wing Qualified" LSO shall be assigned to walk aboard to wave the initial
COD, if required. Remaining LSOs shall COD/VOD (helicopter) aboard or fly out with a Lead Safe. The
TRAWING LSO shall establish priorities for flying aboard in the COD. He shall be informed as to the number of
LSOs and writers requiring transportation from each squadron. The highest priority goes to squadrons that are
expected to have the first overhead times; however, he should ensure that at least one LSO from each squadron is
aboard. The following applies:
When reporting aboard, LSOs should first check in with Air Operations.
b. Air Operations should be advised of any changes in the Qualification Roster. After obtaining a
stateroom (through the Ready Room or wardroom office), LSOs shall advise the SDO of their location and
telephone number. LSOs are responsible for keeping abreast of changes in the Air Plan.
c. LSOs shall man the platform 15 minutes prior to their overhead. If the platform is crowded, the
senior LSO shall determine who is not needed and clear the platform as necessary. LSOs not actively waving
aircraft must remain behind the LSO Jet Blast Deflector (JBD) while on the platform.
317. LSO Platform Organization and Recovery Management. There shall always be a controlling LSO and a
qualified backup LSO during CQ operations. When platform space is available, a writer for each squadron is
desired to minimize confusion. Additionally, the CNATRA LSO or TRAWING LSO shall be present and be
ultimately responsible for the conduct of operations on the platform. The following also applies:
a. When there is more than one squadron in the pattern, the controlling LSO should listen to the
qualification number of each student at the abeam position. This is important to ensure that the correct squadron
LSO has the pickle when his student is on the ball. LSOs should confirm the gear and hook call made by the
hook spotter for aircraft at the abeam position. If you can't hear the hook spotter, tell him/her to speak up.
Unless it's an emergency, students shall not be told to drop their hooks after the ball call.
b. Everyone on the platform should be behind the JBD except the controlling and backup LSOs.
Professional conduct on the platform is an absolute requirement when aircraft are in the pattern.
c. Prior to each aircraft landing the backup LSO shall check winds, basic angle, hook to ramp, hook
touch down point, aircraft gear and lens setting, and deck status. Additionally, he shall keep the PLAT in his
scan for the entirety of each pass and make timely line-up calls if needed, particularly at the ramp.
The following platform procedures shall be performed by all NATRACOM LSOs:
(1) Prior to commencing flight operations:
(a) Check the following equipment for proper operation:
1 Fresnel lens - Cut and wave off lights, cleanliness and intensity
2 Radios - Transmit and receive
3 External speaker - Volume intensity
4 Relative wind indicator