6 January 2006
b. LSO grading for approaches should be the same as in the fleet. Attempts to lower standards because
of experience level must be avoided.
The CNATRA 1542/106, LSO Trend Analysis Summary is completed when students finish actual
carrier landing flights. It should be filled out completely with a comprehensive write-up concerning the student's
tendencies and performance. This is particularly important since this form goes to the FRS LSO and is the
primary indicator of the student's CQ performance in the NATRACOM. Additionally, all FCLP and Carrier
Landings will be entered into APARTS and upon completion of CQ, APARTS data shall be forwarded to the LSO
School IAW reference (g).
314. Qualification Criteria. In addition to the specific items contained in the CQ ATFs, all of the following
criteria shall be used in making the qualification determination.
Student displays no dangerous tendencies.
Student demonstrates steady or improved performance during FCLP/ship qualification period.
Student responds adequately to the LSO.
Student demonstrates adequate knowledge of deck procedures.
Student requires minimum LSO assistance during final two approaches/landings.
Student is predictable and prepared for CQ at the FRS.
Student has a 60 percent or better boarding rate.
h. Student finishes with a CQ minimum grade point average of 2.5. Qualification of students with less
than 2.5 may be given on the recommendation of the TRAWING LSO with the approval of the CNATRA LSO or
his designated representative based on overall improving trends. Additionally, a student with a 2.5 or better may
be disqualified by anyone in the chain of command for not meeting any one of the criteria listed above. In this
case, the chain of command consists of the controlling LSO, the squadron CQ Stage Head, the TRAWING LSO,
the CNATRA LSO, and the Captain of the ship. The following carrier/FCLP landing grading values are used by
- 5.0 points
- 2.0
- 4.0
- 2.0 / 1.0 (depending on circumstances)
- 3.0
- 2.5
- 0.0
- 2.0
If a student is a Re-qualification (re-qual) (disqualified at the ship during a previous CQ period), the
SNA must show an improving trend with solid ("fair" or better) passes towards the end of the re-qual period.
Above average performance (2.5 GPA) is required to qualify on a second attempt. A third attempt to qualify
must be approved by CNATRA. The TRAWING LSO shall actively monitor the progress of all Re-quals in his
air wing. It is the Squadron CO's responsibility to inform Bureau of Personnel (BUPERS) of a CQ Re-qual status
when detailing for Aviation Assignment (typically via the CO's Appraisal of FRS Preparedness section of the
student's Stage Grades summary).
Initial Paperwork/Qualification Roster, FCLP Schedule
a. Each bounce period should have a group of five (desired) to seven (maximum) students. FCLPs will
directly affect the number of other sorties a squadron will be able to fly each day during the bounce.
b. The TRAWING LSO shall be responsible for setting up the FCLP schedule and distributing it to
squadron Operations Officers. Changes to the FCLP schedule must be approved by the TRAWING LSO.
c. The Qualification Roster should be submitted at least a week prior to the first day of FCLPs. The
format for the qualification roster is described in detail in Chapter VIII of this instruction. The roster is