16 September 2003
300. General. This chapter provides NATRACOM LSOs with an overview of what they can expect during their
tour and allows LSOs to gain a basic knowledge of NATRACOM CQ. This chapter is required reading for all
301. Training LSO Designation. Training LSO Designation reflects the individual's ability to administer, instruct,
and supervise initial in-type carrier qualification for a specific aircraft. The process of obtaining the Training
designation in the Training Command is designed for three work-up periods. The work-ups include an observation
period, an instruction/CQ period, and a qualification period. These periods may be combined, based on
performance, to complete training in two work-up periods. Normally this means that by the fourth to sixth month in
the squadron, the LSO should have completed these requirements. The LSO School's Fleet Readiness Squadron
(FRS)/NATRACOM Formal Ground training is a pre-requisite for Training LSO designation.
302. The Observation Period. During the observation period the LSO shall observe an entire workup cycle
including lectures, FCLPs, and two days of CQ at the ship.
303. The Instruction/CQ Period. The second workup consists of the new LSO assisting in all phases of the CQ
stage. This shall include waving students and IUT/lead safes both at the field and at the ship. Additionally, the
LSO shall undergo carrier qualification himself (FCLPs and 10 traps). The CQ Stage Head shall ensure new LSOs
are scheduled through the IUT syllabus to make CQ possible in this time frame.
304. The Qualification Period. The qualification period is the final phase of LSO training. The new LSO shall be
tasked to instruct a class of students to include FCLPs, associated lectures and conduct initial CQ. He shall be the
controlling LSO with the Squadron or Wing LSO monitoring his performance. Prior to commencing this last period,
an "open book" quiz covering all procedures and appropriate publications (Appendix A) should be administered.
This quiz should be informal in nature; however, it should be reviewed in detail in order to ensure adequate
knowledge and standardization.
305. Training LSO Designation. Successful completion of all the above requirements and completion of the LSO
school FRS/NATRACOM Formal Ground Training Course (#D-2G-0003) earns the LSO the NATOPS designation
of "Training LSO." The TRAWING LSO shall document all training information in the CNATRA 3740/4, LSO
Training Record (Appendix A). Squadrons shall not operate with less than three designated Training LSOs. The
senior squadron LSO shall initiate the qualification paperwork in accordance with reference (b). Once designated,
the new LSO shall be fully qualified for training students in the CQ arena. CNATRA shall forward the approval
letter to Chief of Naval Personnel (PERS-433A) for inclusion in the LSO's service record. If any major deviations to
this training program are anticipated, the TRAWING and CNATRA LSO shall be consulted to ensure effectiveness
is not lost.
306. NATRACOM LSO Organization. Under the CNATRA LSO are the respective TRAWING LSOs for each
Jet Training Base. The individual Squadron LSOs with their assistants and the LSOs under training (Selectively
Retained Graduate (SERGRAD) LSOs) round out the organization. The LSO organization is relatively simple and
communication in most cases should be through the chain of command.
307. Selectively Retained Graduate (SERGRAD) LSOs. SERGRAD LSOs under training are those individuals
who demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to become qualified LSOs. They are selected from volunteers and are
eligible for obtaining a "Field Designation" as outlined in the reference (b). They shall have at least one year of their
tour remaining to commence training and are encouraged to participate in field and ship waving of IUTs and
Lead/Safes. Once Field designated, SERGRAD LSOs may conduct FCLP's for IP's. When waving at the ship, they
shall be backed up by a qualified LSO and shall only wave IPs.