16 September 2003
207. Wind and Deck Limitations for Fixed Wing Aircraft. CNATRA wind and deck limitations for fixed wing
aircraft are shown in the Table II-3 below.
Table II-3
Wind and Deck Limitations for Fixed Wing Aircraft
Wind Over Deck
Deck Pitch
Max CQ (1)
Min CQ (2)
Ramp Movement
Ramp Movement
(1) The maximum crosswind component for all CQ is 7 knots.
(2) Consult applicable Aircraft Recovery Bulletins (ARBs).
208. Bingo Considerations and Limitations. CNATRA bingo considerations and fuel states are listed in Tables II-
4 through II-7 below. Sufficient fuel for flight to an alternate field that satisfies alternate criteria listed in ref (d) shall
be added to the bingo states if Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions do not exist at the bingo field. Instrument Flight
Rules (IFR) bingo fuel figures shall be used when weather at the primary bingo requires an instrument approach (not
for SNAs). BINGO FUEL IS AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. Aircraft reaching this state shall immediately
report "bingo," squawk 7700 and shall normally be diverted to the bingo airfield, unless well established in the
groove, hook down, and under LSO control. In this case only, an approach may be continued with immediate bingo
departure if not arrested (trapped). In all cases a Lead/Safe pilot shall be dispatched to escort student pilots on a
bingo. SNAs who are bingoed shall commence the bingo profile and shall not be told to join on a Lead/Safe. Once
the SNA is well established on his bingo profile, the escorting Lead/Safe will join the SNA and assume the lead. The
intent is to avoid a circling join up which wastes precious fuel once bingo fuel has been reached by the SNA.
a. If NATRACOM aircraft are below bingo, the Commanding Officer of the carrier shall decide whether to
have the aircraft bingo with available fuel, remain in the pattern, or set up for a controlled ejection.
b. Flight from the carrier to the bingo field may be made under Instrument Meteorological Conditions
(IMC) by students, IUTs, and instructors, provided the flight is conducted in accordance with air traffic control
Maximum Bingo range for CNATRA CQ is 120 miles.
d. Operations at distances over 90 NM allows limited time for aircraft entering the pattern to perform two
T/Gs and one trap prior to reaching student bingo fuel states. Any delays encountered once aircraft have "Charlied"
must be closely monitored to avoid multiple student bingos. Postponing one touch and go should be considered if
any delays are anticipated.
e. Lead/Safe pilots shall use STUDENT bingo fuel requirements while operating as a Lead/Safe. Once
student bingo fuel is reached, the Lead/Safe should be trapped or diverted. Lead/Safes should not perform Lead/Safe
duties when their aircraft is below SNA bingo as this does not allow sufficient fuel margin to effect flight leader join
ups, etcetera, and return to the divert airfield. Lead/Safes shall update fuel states with Air Boss every 15 minutes
and inform the Air Boss when they are approaching the SNA bingo fuel state. Once alleviated of their Lead/Safe