15 December 2004
(3) Cloud tops shall not be in excess of 15,000 feet.
(4) Minimum ceiling of 1500 feet and minimum visibility 5 NM in the carrier control zone. Weather
requirements at the ship can be waived by the CV Commanding Officer with CNATRA's concurrence to no lower
than 1000/5 with the following restrictions:
i. The maximum number of aircraft in the pattern is reduced from six to four.
ii. If weather prohibits two lead safes from operating within sight of the ship, the maximum
number of aircraft in the pattern is reduced to three.
iii. The spin pattern is closed.
iv. Lead safe aircraft may not operate below 1000 feet.
(5) SNAs shall not be launched into the carrier pattern with less than bingo plus 300 lbs.
(6) SNAs shall not be launched to home base with less than bingo for that field plus 600 lbs. If a
student is diverted with less than bingo plus 600 lbs, a lead safe shall be directed to escort the SNA to the divert
205. Carrier Landing Requirements
CNATRA carrier landing requirements are shown in table II-1 below.
Table II-1
Landing Requirements
T&G Trap
Qualified Pilot Currency (LSO/Lead Safe)
Refer to ref (b)
(1) If a student becomes critically low on fuel, tower may postpone one of the two initial touch and goes and trap the
SNA to avoid bingo. Student shall then be given remaining touch and goes (T/Gs) if required after refueling.
(2) Partially qualified SNAs not having a trap that same day require a touch and go before their next trap.
(3) FCLP Currency for SNA - FCLP warmup is required if more than 2 days have elapsed between the CQ field
qualification and the first carrier landing. FCLP warmup required every 2 days thereafter. A touch and go or trap
at the ship constitutes the applicable warmup requirement.
(4) After the completion of six arrested landings and upon the recommendation of the controlling LSO, the
CNATRA LSO may approve up to a maximum of ten arrested landings in 1 day for initial CQ.
(5) Non-fleet experienced IUT/IP shall receive FCLP within 3 days of CQ. Fleet experienced IUT/IP should FCLP
within 5 days of CQ. The CNATRA LSO may approve up to a ten day delay between FCLP and IUT/IP CQ.
(6) Pilots shall have a trap within 14 days to be current. Prior to achieving currency, lead safe duties may be
performed if an FCLP has been flown within 10 days. Lead Safes/LSO's who have a trap within 59 days may fly
with a NATOPS qualified pilot in their back seat for essential transportation to/from the ship, or for mission
essential duties such as standardization check flights. For Lead Safes/LSO's who do not have a trap within 59 days,
refer to reference (b).
(7) Refresher qualification - Pilots must refresh if they have not trapped within the last 14 days. Required number of
refresher landings are prescribed by ref (b) and shall be preceded by an FCLP period within the preceding 10 days.
If greater than 12 months has passed since last trap, refer to the IUT requirement.