26 September 1996
1. Funding. IX-514 operates as a detachment of NAS Pensacola
under command of an assigned OIC and is funded through
NAS Pensacola. Operations are funded at a level necessary to
support NATRACOM UHPT requirements. Operations by other units are
not funded. Any costs which must be paid by non-UHPT users will
be identified in the response to the unit's request for services.
These costs will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the
NAS Pensacola Comptroller.
2. Reporting. A monthly report of HLT operations shall be
submitted by NAS Pensacola to CNATRA. The report may be sent via
naval message and submitted no later than the 15th day of the
month following the month being reported. It shall contain units
and type aircraft which used the HLT, the number of operational days
for UHPT, fleet and interservice use, and the number of day land-
ings and night landings used by each unit. Information copies of
the report shall be sent to COMTRAWING FIVE, COMTRAWING SIX,
NAS Pensacola, Helicopter Training Squadron (HELTRARON) EIGHT, and