22 JUN 2005
75. Failed Directional Gyro Approaches
● Begin when
● Executes the maneuver IAW current
established on a
FTI and NATOPS procedures in a
published portion of
timely manner.
approach or cleared
● TACAN/VOR failed card: IAF to
for the approach, or
MAP, begins timing within
on radar vectors to
5 seconds if appropriate,
10 KIAS of approach airspeed,
FAC 5 and/or deflection
● End at transition to
landing environment
(3 dot width).
or applying power to
● Arrives at the MDA prior to MAP
execute a missed
in a safe position to make a
normal visual descent to land.
● SI initiates the
● Maintains MDA +100/-0 feet.
failed directional
● Executes the missed approach
procedure when applicable for the
pulling the HSI
intended runway.
● Radar Approaches: Does not
exceed "well left/right of
course" and complies with the
controller's instructions in a
timely manner.
● Does not exceed full SRT or half
SRT as appropriate for the
segment of the approach.
76. Holding
● Begin when crossing
● Enters and maintains holding IAW
the holding fix.
the FTI/INAV procedures and the
applicable FAR/AIM.
the holding pattern
● While in holding, plans ahead for
for a subsequent fix
follow-on navigation.
or the approach.
77. Missed Approach
● Accomplishes IAW FTI and NATOPS.
● Execute procedures
when aircraft
● Complies with FLIP missed
arrives at the DH or
approach procedures or climbout
the MAP, and power
instructions, as appropriate.
is added to execute
● Requests, if appropriate, ATC
either published
clearance to an alternate airport
missed approach
or a new clearance limit.
instructions or to
comply with ATC