04 Aug 2006
82. Station Passage
● Identify station
● Identifies station passage for the
passage per FTI.
NAVAID in use.
83. VOR Holding
● Perform VOR holding
● Computes proper entry turn.
per FTI.
● Estimates wind direction and
applies appropriate corrections.
● Establishes and maintains aircraft
within holding airspace.
84. TACAN Holding
● Perform TACAN holding
● Computes proper entry turn.
per FTI.
● Estimates wind direction and
applies appropriate corrections.
● Establishes and maintains aircraft
within holding airspace.
85. Teardrop Approach
● Perform a teardrop
● IAF to FAF:
approach per FTI.
► Maintains course 5 or valid
● By the FAF or initiating descent
to MDA:
► Completes landing checklist.
► Has aircraft trimmed and at
final approach airspeed.
● Final:
► Maintains 3 of desired course.
► Reaches and maintains MDA
+100/-0 feet.
86. Procedure Turn Approach
● Perform a procedure
● IAF to FAF:
turn approach per FTI.
► Maintains course 5 or valid
● By the FAF or initiating descent
to MDA:
► Completes landing checklist.
► Has aircraft trimmed and at
final approach airspeed.
● Final:
► Maintains 3 of desired course.
► Reaches and maintains MDA
+100/-0 feet.