08 April 2004
(4) Flight breakup and rendezvous instructions,
including break interval at home field.
(5) Lead changes.
(6) Exceptions, omissions, additions, and substitutions
to maneuvers and procedures described in the FTI and the briefing
guide for the specific curriculum flight.
(7) No radio (NORDO) procedures.
(8) Applicable emergency procedures.
b. Debriefing. Timely debriefing of each simulator and
flight event is an essential part of the learning process. The
minimum items that shall be covered in the debrief are:
(1) Overall review of the event plan in chronological
order, citing completions, omissions and deletions of
prerequisite exercises.
(2) Accomplishment of learning objectives.
(3) Specific comments on above average (AA), below
average (BA), and unsatisfactory (UNSAT) performance. Discussion
should focus on causes, as well as effects of performance.
c. Designated Flight Leader. For all multi-plane flights
involving two or more flight instructors, the designated flight
leader will be responsible for compliance with OPNAVINST 3710.7S
and with the provisions of the paragraphs above. In all
appropriate cases, the designated instructor shall retain the
formation leader status as defined by OPNAVINST 3710.7S
paragraphs 3.5.2 and 3.5.4.
d. Aerobatic Maneuvers. Aerobatic maneuvers shall be
conducted in accordance with OPNAVINST 3710.7S.
Schedule Limitations
a. The schedule limitations of the student's workday/
workweek are:
(1) The student's working day from first scheduled event
until completion of the last event of the day (including
associated paperwork and debrief) shall not exceed 12 hours.
(2) A minimum of 12 hours shall elapse between the
conclusion of the student's last scheduled event of the day