8 March 2005
working days and every effort shall be made to ensure
completeness of all records prior to transmission. Notation as
to the reason for incompleteness and expected date for
forwarding the missing information shall be included as
(5) When assigned to the IMSs final activity, personally
review the contents of each ATJ and ensure it reaches CNATRA
(N318) no later than 10 days after the IMSs graduation. Special
care shall be exercised during screening, to ensure sensitive
information is removed.
(6) Be responsible for base clearance on IMS check out. In
particular, IMSOs shall develop adequate procedures to determine
outstanding debts of IMSs prior to their check out, and
establish local procedures to collect debts.
(7) Ensure that all reports are submitted in a timely
fashion. Particular attention is directed to the IMS failure
(8) In addition to the above requirements, the TRAWING IMSM
should attend all IMS Progress Review Boards or Training Review
Boards as applicable.
(9) Ensure that Arrival/Commencement, Status, and
Completion Reports are submitted via the Security Assistance
Network (SAN) website within three working days of action. The
Alternate IMSO at each squadron can be assigned responsibility
to submit Status Reports.
(10) ITO amendments shall be submitted within five working
days of notification of change in estimated completion date.
d. Country Liaison Officer (CLO). At the request of another
country and with the concurrence of the Navy International
Programs Office (NAVY IPO), NETSAFA, and CNATRA, a CLO may be
assigned to assist with the administrative details for IMSs from
his country. When a CLO is not assigned for a particular
country, the country's senior trainee located at the training
activity may be used in this capacity. In case of serious
injury or death where no CLO is assigned, the
NAVALSCOLSCOM/TRAWING IMSO, shall act as a coordinator with
remote country representatives.
(1) TRAWING commanders requiring the assistance of a
Country Liaison Officer may contact NETSAFA via CNATRA (N318).
NETSAFA shall coordinate with CNATRA for visits of CLOs to other
TRAWINGs. The commander to be visited shall be informed of the
purpose of the visit, mode of transportation, arrival time, and
names of individuals to be contacted.
(2) CNATRA may designate any place within the command as
the place where CLO shall perform his duties.