T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
Pitot static system: the pitot static system measures
Sg 11, fr 28
the static air pressure, rate of change of static air
Pitot Static Normal
pressure, and the difference between pitot air
pressure to provide airspeed, altitude, and rate of
climb information for the system. Standby flight
instruments receiving pitot static input are the
standby altimeter, standby airspeed indicator, and
the standby VSI
AOA system: the AOA system is used to maintain
Sg 11, fr 31
precise airspeed necessary for carrier and field
AOA System Normal
operations by monitoring the airflow relative to the
fuselage. Airflow direction is detected by a probe
Fig 26: AOA System
using an internal potentiometer to transmit the DC
voltages to SADs, YDC, and the AOA indicators in
each cockpit
Independent instruments: the independent flight
instrument systems include the radar altimeter, the
standby AI, the standby compass, and the clock/
NOTE: The standby AI and standby compass are
used primarily as backups in the event that the main
flight instruments/systems (ADI, HSI, HUD displays)
have failed.
The radar altimeter is used primarily during low-level
Sg 11, fr 34
Radar Altimeter
flight and landing operations. The clock/stopwatch
Readout Normal
is used as a timepiece and to identify elapsed
mission time.
Radar altimeter: uses pulse radar to provide
altitude information from 0 to 5000 ft AGL, in 10
foot increments
(1) Limits:
(a) Pitch - 40 degrees nose up and 40
degrees nose down
(b) Roll - 40 degrees left/right
(9-98) Original
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