T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
Flight Instrument Operation
Sg 11, fr 22
GINA Normal
NOTE: The flight instrument system receives electrical,
GINA, pitot static, COMM/NAV inputs, and 28 VDC
essential bus and 5 VAC non-essential bus. Electrical
inputs are from the 28 VDC essential services bus, the
115 VAC essential and non-essential buses, the 26 VAC
essential and non-essential buses, and the 28 VDC
digital and analog attitude (roll, pitch and heading),
attitude rates and time to the DEU for the ADI, HSI and
HUD displays, over the MIL-STD-1553B MUX BUS. The
pitot static system provides static and ram air pressure
for the standby attitude indicator, standby airspeed
indicator, standby VSI and the DEU.
The COMM/NAV system provides navigation inputs to
the DEU for the ADI, HSI and HUD displays, in the form
of TACAN, VOR, ILS glideslope ILS localizer information.
The flight instrument system provides output to the ADR
and IFF systems.
GINA: the GINA three ring laser gyros and
heading (true and magnetic), digital and analog
attitude (roll, pitch, and heading), attitude rates and
time. The GINA flexible initialization and alignments
for ground, in-flight and on-board ship provide the
best accuracy for flight profiles. The selection of
modes for GINA operation are HYBD which
incorporates inertial system and GPS data, INS that
uses only inertial position data, GPS that uses
embedded GPS position data only and DGRO as a
backup for attitude heading information
MFD: the MFD generates the ADI and HSI displays
of GPS/Inertial system heading, pitch, roll, and
navigation information
(9-98) Original
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