T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
(b) Cross-check outside references (e.g.,
horizon) and with rear cockpit
(c) Additionally verify by using BIT for
equipment status
(3) Effects on flight safety: standby Al and
compass provide backup attitude and
heading information
Horizontal situation indicator (HSI) display
Sg 11, fr 47
Indications HSI
(1) Indications
(a) Blank heading and navigation
(b) Position advisory appear
(c) Blank screen
(2) Verifications
(a) Cross-check HSI reading in other
cockpit and if possible with other
aircraft or ATC
(b) Cross-check against ADI heading to
ensure failure isolated to HSI
(3) Effects on flight safety
(a) Potential navigational errors with
reduced accuracy
(b) Downgraded IFR approach capabilities
Vertical speed indicator readout
Sg 11, fr 54
VSI Readout Failure
(1) Indication: blank digital readout missing
pointer/scale/dots/dashes and tic marks
(2) Verifications: cross-check with standby VSI
an independent instrument
(9-98) Original
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