Be aware of which VORs along your route have voice capability. In the event you lose your
UHF and VHF, Approach may attempt to contact you via a voice capable VOR. Additionally,
certain VORs conduct scheduled weather broadcasts. Utilize these to update and verify your
formal weather briefing.
Prepare a complete and accurate jet log for all portions of your flight (both primary and alternate
route). During flight, compare estimated values for times, ground speed, fuel flow, etc. with the
actual values you observe. Modify your route as necessary when unexpected delays or in-flight
winds will cause you to land at your destination below required fuel amounts.
To land, refuel, or remain overnight at certain fields, make prior arrangements. This will be
indicated in the IFR supplement (or AP1) in the aerodrome remarks section. If permission is
required, you will see a reference to PPR. Assist your IP as directed in securing this permission.
Base operations at military destinations are the point of contact for obtaining permission.
Consult the IFR Supplement and AP for further amplification.
Be aware certain procedures and services may vary from what you are used to at military fields
(e.g., availability of fire guards, follow-me trucks, base ops, weather, etc.). You may notice
some fields don't have ATIS but AWOS/ASOS instead. The weather here is automated and
continually updated and broadcast. Some airports may not have an operational Control Tower,
but will have a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). Refer to the Airman's
Information Manual (AIM) for further amplification.
At non-military fields, you may file your flight plan with a FSS. If the FSS is not at the field,
this may be accomplished over the telephone. For filing, you will utilize the civilian version of a
DD175 that will be available. A similar version to the civilian flight plan is located on the rear
cover of the IFR Enroute supplement. Request NOTAM information from the FSS as well.
For weather services, OPNAV 3710 states, "If Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
(NMOC) or United States Marine Corps Weather Services are not locally available, an FAA-
approved weather briefing from either a FSS or Direct User Access Terminal System (DUATS)
may be substituted."
If the information available is not sufficient, contact the nearest suitable military base. Military
weather and NOTAM briefing facilities are listed in the FIH and are just a phone call away or
available through the Internet. For more information, refer to the FIH Section C.
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