Most intermediate instrument navigation flights will either be an out-and-in or a cross-country
flight. Remember, call your IP the night prior to determine his inputs for location. On these
flights, you will file and fly an IFR flight plan to an airfield out of the local area.
The environment in which you operate will be somewhat unfamiliar. You will be flying out of
the local area, you may utilize the high altitude structure, and you might be operating out of a
civil field with extensive commercial traffic, etc.
Prior to departing on a cross-country or out-and-in, your IP will need to get a fuel packet from
Maintenance. It is a "jet fuel identiplate" which is similar to a civilian credit card. The card will
be used to pay for fuel at military bases or from contract fuel suppliers at civil fields. Also
included in the fuel packet are various government forms utilized for maintenance services and
other official business expenses. At the completion of your flight, remind your IP to turn in the
fuel packet with receipts for all expenses incurred.
The student will bring all necessary FLIP publications for both crewmembers to cover your
entire route of flight and any possible contingencies. Possible considerations include, but are not
limited to, low and high altitude enroute charts, low and high altitude approach charts, the IFR
Supplement, STARs, and area charts. Consult with your IP to determine necessary pubs. Check
all pubs to ensure they will be current for the period during which you will be enroute. It is
possible some FLIP publications could expire while away cross-country. The student should
have a plan to adapt to this situation (i.e., take new FLIP pubs with you or arrange to pick them
up enroute).
This will probably be the first time you fly a significant distance from home field. You will no
longer be operating in an area where you are familiar with area landmarks, suitable fields, radio
and NAVAID frequencies, etc.
You may mark your route of flight on your navigational charts. Use only highlight tape or mark
lightly in pencil. Take note (don't mark) of suitable emergency or divert fields in the vicinity of
your route. If you elect to mark the planned route on your chart, use caution not to follow it if
ATC assigns you a change of route.
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