TALK. Give the voice report, if requested (ensure you have made any required
frequency change). Report 200 feet prior to any level off altitude and report MDA to
When not in radar contact, a voice report is required when leaving
FAF inbound on final approach (non-precision approach) or when
leaving the OM or fix used in lieu of the OM inbound on final
approach (precision approach).
3. Ensure the pilot levels off at the MDA. Do not allow descent below the MDA. If the pilot
descends below the MDA, direct an immediate climb to the MDA ("climb to 680 feet").
4. Provide heading, altitude and airspeed inputs to the pilot as required to maintain 120 KIAS
on the FAC at the MDA.
5. At the MAP: Report "At the MAP" and ask your IP if the field is in sight. If the field is in
sight and the aircraft is in a position to make a safe landing, descent below the MDA is
authorized. If both conditions are not met, direct the IP to execute a missed approach.
1. The pilot should not descend below the MDA prior to
reaching the VDP and acquiring the necessary visual reference.
2. The VDP is a defined point on the FAC of a non-precision
straight-in approach procedure from which normal descent (usually
3) from the MDA to the runway touchdown point may be
commenced, provided visual reference required is established. The
VDP will normally be identified by DME on VOR and LOC
procedures and by along track distance to the next waypoint for
RNAV procedures. The VDP is identified on the profile view of
the approach chart by the symbol: V.
A holding pattern approach uses a published holding pattern to reverse course and establish the
aircraft inbound on the intermediate or FAC. Holding pattern approaches are printed using a
normal holding pattern track with a heavy line indicating "In lieu of Procedure Turn." The entry
turn and maneuvering in holding requires normal holding procedures. Only one turn in the
holding pattern is expected unless more turns are necessary to lose excessive altitude or to
become better established on course, in which case ATC must be advised. Descent from the
minimum holding altitude may be commenced at the holding fix (Case I below and Figures 5-11
and 5-12) or on the inbound leg (Case II below and Figures 5-13 and 5-14).
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