At the FAF: The procedures at the FAF are designed to allow the aircraft to be flown safely to
the field at the lowest possible altitude until further descent is authorized.
If no FAF is depicted, BAC and the Before Landing Checklist shall
be accomplished no later than intercepting the FAC. At some
point after the Before Landing Checklist but prior to the MAP, ask
the IP if he requires a Missed Approach Review.
1. Ensure the aircraft is fully configured (gear down and flaps as required) and the Before
Landing Checklist has been completed prior to the FAF.
At the FAF, perform the 6 Ts:
TIME. Start the timing to the MAP.
If timing is depicted, you should always start the elapsed timer as a
backup in the event of DME and/or Glideslope failure.
TURN. Direct a turn as necessary to maintain the FAC.
TIME. Second timing not required.
TRANSITION. Direct a descent to MDA or altitude restriction, if any. Ensure that
rate of descent utilized is sufficient to meet all altitude restrictions, if any, and arrive
at the MDA prior to the VDP, if depicted, or MAP.
1. There are different techniques for the descent to MDA. One
is to maintain a gradual descent similar to the glideslope. Another
is to descend at a higher rate and arrive at the MDA sooner. The
goal of both is to arrive at the MDA with enough time to visually
acquire the runway environment prior to getting to the MAP.
2. Some approaches have progressively lower stepdown
altitudes. Level off at each stepdown altitude until the indicated
DME point, and then continue descent until the next stepdown
altitude or MDA. Be sure you are using the correct minimums for
the runway in use. When directing a descent, student should direct
the IP to descend to the first altitude, which must be maintained.
Then state any additional altitude restrictions that apply.
TWIST. Set the FAC in the CDI. Intercept and track the FAC.
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