Radio channel changes to include ATIS
Request to ATC for appropriate entry
Required checklist(s) and briefs
Break/Instrument approaches
Unless briefed otherwise, Lead will direct the formation to get
ATIS by stating: "(Tactical call sign), ATIS." The Wingman will
respond with "2" and both aircraft will obtain ATIS and go back to
the previous frequency. To simplify matters, it is acceptable and
recommended for the Lead to tell the Wingman to obtain the ATIS
and then meet back up on an appropriate frequency if it suits the
flow of the flight. For example, when departing the MOA, it
would benefit the flight for the Wingman to obtain ATIS and then
report back to Lead with the information. The Lead would then be
able to maintain SA of traffic in the area by staying on the MOA
frequency. In either case, Lead will cover these details in the pre-
flight briefing.
There are two methods of executing the break. Either method is authorized, but the break must
be briefed.
1. Three (3)-second break. The first is a three (3)-second break. At the appropriate time, prior
to the break, the Lead will pass the visual three (3)-second break signal (Section 702). Wingman
will respond with a head nod or thumbs-up. At the break, Lead will execute the break just as it
was executed in the Contact stage. After three (3) seconds have elapsed, the Wingman will
execute his break. Each aircraft will make their own "180" and "full stop" calls. The Wingman
shall mimic the Lead's call. The flight will rejoin on deck after crossing the hold-short and taxi
as a flight.
2. Fan break. The next method is a fan break for which the appropriate "fan break" signal
(Section 702) will be given. At the appropriate time the Lead will execute a roll towards 90
AOB at a roll rate which the Wingman can follow. The Lead will leave his power set through
90 of turn before going IDLE and extending the speed brake. The Wingman will match Lead's
roll rate but will go IDLE and extend the speed brake at the beginning of the maneuver to create
separation. Again, each aircraft will make their own "180" and "full stop" calls. The Wingman
shall mimic the Lead's call. The flight will rejoin on deck after crossing the hold-short and taxi
as a flight.
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