Recovery. Once completed with the area work, conduct the recovery phase. On FORM 5001,
this will be a VFR recovery to the break ("overhead" at Air Force and civilian airfields). If the
flight is returning to Sherman Field, the recovery will be via course rules and will be identical to
your Contact recoveries. However, since the formation flight will be flown as "out and ins"
whenever possible, you must be prepared to lead the flight to the airfield noted on the flight
schedule. Typically this will be to either Mobile Downtown, or Monroe County Airport. Review
applicable publications (VFR/IFR Supplement, GP, etc.) to be familiar with airfield operations.
To arrive at either of the fields, there are a number of ways to proceed (depending on traffic,
weather, etc.). These include: VFR flight following, vectors to the break/overhead, etc.
Regardless of the VFR recovery technique used, you will want to keep your formation in the
cruise position (to maximize lookout and maneuverability) until approximately 3 NM from the
Initial in order to allow enough time for your Wingman to get into the parade position on the
correct side, give the appropriate break visual signal (three second or fan), and stabilize prior to
the break.
On FORM 5002, the recovery will include two (2) instrument approaches. Each aircraft will get
the opportunity to lead an approach. Typically, the Lead for the return to Sherman will lead
through a radio instrument approach and drop the Wingman off approximately 2 NM from the
runway threshold (prior to Missed Approach Point (MAP) or Decision Height (DH)) for a touch
and go. Lead will execute a low approach on the opposite side of VFR traffic and not over fly
the parallel runway. This maneuver is flown to simulate recovering a No Radio (NORDO)
Wingman on an approach. The Lead will fly up to 800 feet at 160 KIAS in a clean configuration
and wait for the Wingman to join after his touch and go. Once the flight is joined and established
in the radar box pattern, they will execute a lead change. Remember to position the Wingman on
the Lead's upwind side prior to final. The Lead will fly the approach at 120 knots with flaps in
TO. After clearance for the flight to land and runway in sight, the Lead will kiss the Wingman
off at approximately 2 NM from the runway threshold. At this point, the Wingman will provide
his own separation by lowering his flaps to LDG and slowing to 100 KIAS. Minimum landing
separation is 1500 feet. All briefs will be completed at the appropriate time, just like the
Instrument phase.
Upon completion of the second parade sequence, the flight will be ready to initiate the recovery
phase. This phase will consist of the following:
Fuel check
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