course corrections and will promote formation integrity. Typically, an uncalled check turn is all
that is needed to point the formation in the direction of the turnpoint. Keep in mind, if course
corrections become necessary while flying 240 knots and there are no ground references to
Bearing-Distance-Heading Indicator (BDHI) off of, you will need to use an 7 correction which
will provide 1/2 NM course correction for every minute flown. Students should plan to shackle
over the target to simulate the "pop" type maneuver that will be introduced in advanced jet
5. The purpose of this flight is to allow the student to act as a mission commander using all of
the knowledge accumulated in the previous flights. To that extent, the student will be expected
to direct the flight making any necessary decisions. The instructor will, to the greatest extent
possible, act only as a safety observer and intervene in the conduct of the flight only when
6. Students will not concern themselves with timing on F5101/F5102. They will still mark
the chart with the standard VNAV markings to include all timing points. These points will be
used to maintain SA during the route. The aircraft on the route will maintain 240 KIAS
regardless of the timing aspects. Students only need to note the time at each point. Students will
not be required to update times to the next point.
7. The major purpose of this flight is to allow the students to use features on the earth to find
their checkpoints and targets. To find checkpoints, students may use roads, rivers, etc. Students
should spend the majority of their time looking outside the aircraft for hazards while maintaining
SA about section position.
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