| ![]() APPENDIX A
ABEAM: A position, either on the left or right side, which is 90 off the longitudinal axis of the
ACUTE: A condition in which the Wingman is positioned forward of a designated bearing line.
BANDIT: Term used for a hostile aircraft.
BEARING LINE: An imaginary line drawn aft from the Lead's 3/9 line. The bearing line is the
angular difference between the Wingman's aircraft and Lead's 3/9 line (i.e., being established on
the 60 bearing line means the Wingman is offset 30 from Lead's six o'clock position).
BINGO: A predetermined fuel state informing the formation that a flight member is at a fuel
state where he needs to recover to the planned destination in order to land with minimum fuel
BOGEY: Term used for an aircraft with unknown intent. Once identification can be made, these
aircraft will normally be classified as either friendly or bandits.
BREAK-UP: A maneuver utilized to separate the formation aircraft and establish them in trail or
CHECK SIX: A visual lookout to check the aircraft or formation's six o'clock position for other
aircraft (i.e., bogeys or bandits).
CHECKPOINT: A selected point or set of points, on the lead aircraft, which are utilized by the
Wingman to determine relative position.
CLOSURE RATE: The relative rate at which the wing aircraft is approaching (or "closing" on)
the lead aircraft.
COLUMN: The position where the wing aircraft trails the lead aircraft by approximately 1000
CROSSUNDER: A maneuver utilized to change the position of the wing aircraft from one side
of the Lead to the other.
CUTOUT: A visual checkpoint on the T-6A referring to the outermost or innermost corner of
that portion of the wing that has been cut out to allow installation of the aileron.
DASH TWO: A radio communication term used to refer to the Wingman in a formation.
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