2. Dual High Speed Aborts. If both aircraft abort it is imperative that each maintain their own
portion of the runway and execute abort procedures IAW NATOPS. Should there be a need to
direct a section abort, the person identifying that need shall call on the radio, "(Tactical Call
sign), FLIGHT, ABORT, ABORT, ABORT." FLIGHT is the word to key on to execute a
formation abort and aircraft directional control is crucial to a successful formation abort.
The first consideration after a mid-air collision is naturally to regain control of the aircraft if it
can be flown, or eject if control cannot be maintained. Separate the flight, but keep the other
aircraft in sight if possible. DO NOT REJOIN if the mid-air collision was with a Wingman.
Aircrew will follow procedures established in Section III of current T-6A NATOPS. In the final
analysis, the pilot of the damaged aircraft must determine whether or not he can land safely and
then proceed to the nearest suitable field.
Before assuming radio failure, check all radios, switches, circuit breakers, and connections. The
aircraft with a radio failure must communicate to another aircraft through hand signals, their
exact problem. The aircraft with the operating radio will lead the NORDO aircraft back to home
field and will advise appropriate ATC agencies of the situation.
Recovery under VMC will be via course rules to the break. If the Lead does a touch and go, the
Wingman is cleared to land. If Lead does a low approach, Wingman will wave off and follow
Lead. Lead can be expected to attempt another pattern or call for the rejoin.
In IMC conditions, the lead aircraft will request an instrument approach for the flight. The lead
aircraft will visually clear the Wingman to land and kiss the Wingman off when VMC with the
runway environment in sight. Lead will execute a low approach, remaining alert to the
possibility the NORDO Wingman may need to rejoin the flight in the event of a missed approach
or waveoff.
In the event one aircraft in a flight of two or more develops difficulties to the extent the aircrew
are forced to eject, the responsibility of coordinating a Search and Rescue (SAR) must be left
with the remaining aircraft. If the entire formation is involved in a SAR effort, the flight Lead
will coordinate a flight split up to establish a high/low orbit.
Although it is important to get aid to the downed pilots, the safe conduct of the remaining
members of the flight is equally important. The aircrew who has assumed the On-Scene
Commander (OSC) responsibilities will make the necessary voice reports, keep the downed
aircrew and aircraft in sight, control the airspace, set a bingo fuel, and recovery plan. The OSC
will also follow procedures outlined in the In-Flight Guide.
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