| ![]() T-6A CONTACT
Substitute "right/left base" for "180" (or "90", if appropriate) for
radio calls at civilian fields. Also, on base leg, report over the ICS,
"Gear down, flaps ___, checklist complete, cleared for the
option/to land/for touch & go, etc..."
Base Entry
Figure 6-7 Base entry:
a. Establish the aircraft on a perpendicular intercept heading with the final approach
b. When within five miles of the runway, reduce power to 15%, decelerate towards
120 KIAS, and descend to pattern altitude.
c. When airspeed below 150 KIAS, lower the gear handle and select flaps as required.
Maintain 120 KIAS and complete the Before Landing Checklist.
d. Make radio call: "Tower, Call Sign, right/left base, gear down, touch and go."
e. With clearance, plan turn to intercept a one to two mile final and begin descent on glide
path. Set power as required to maintain 110/105/100 KIAS on final, depending on flap
setting. Report over the ICS, "Gear down, flaps ___, checklist complete, cleared for the
option/to land/for touch & go, etc...
After Touch & Go:
a. Proceed upwind as at the OLF. Use the same interval criteria, except you must request
clearance to turn crosswind (i.e. "Tower, Call Sign, request right downwind, touch and
b. If tower has not issued a landing clearance/instructions by midfield downwind, you are
expected to report "Call Sign, midfield downwind." Expect landing clearance or specific
instructions (such as "Continue on downwind. I'll call your base turn.").
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