a. Align aircraft with landing runway on extended centerline. Be at pattern altitude
(normally 1000 feet AGL) by seven miles from the runway.
b. At seven miles from the runway, reduce power to 15% and begin a level deceleration
towards 120 KIAS. Trim.
c. When the aircraft is at or inside five miles and below 150 KIAS, lower the gear handle
and select flaps as required. Complete the Before Landing Checklist. Maintain airspeed
120/115/110 KIAS, depending on flap setting (Figure 6-6).
d. Make radio call: "Tower, Call Sign, __ miles on final, gear down, touch and go/full
e. With tower clearance and approximately one to two miles from the runway, set power
as required to maintain 110/105/100 KIAS on final descent. Report over the ICS, "Gear
down, flaps ___, checklist complete, cleared for the option/to land/for touch & go, etc."
Note, the illustration shows an entry to a right downwind.
Downwind Entry
Figure 6-6 Downwind entry:
a. Situation-permitting, attempt to intercept the downwind leg with a 45intercept, as
shown in Figure 6-7. Clear for traffic established in the pattern.
b. When within five miles of the runway environment, reduce power to 15% and
decelerate towards 120 KIAS. Descend to and maintain pattern altitude.
c. Turn to intercept the downwind leg (3/4 WTD). Make radio call, "Tower, all Sign,
established right/left downwind."
d. Transition to the downwind configuration (gear down, flaps up, 120 KIAS) and
complete the Before Landing Checklist.
e. When abeam, perform the 4 Ts as at the OLF and continue.
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