Proper scan -- Clock, Chart, Ground
Proper format for cancellation of IFR and checking in/out with FSS
Proper format for low level exit communications including IFR clearance pickup
b. Flight
The RadAlt/Radio Altimeter shall be set to 80% of the lowest route altitude segment.
EHSI will be set to TTG in the lower left display via the HSI button.
On the initial leg of the first low-level, the instructor may demo:
All turn point procedures (all altitude information shall be given in feet AGL)
Intermediate checkpoint and hazard calls
Proper wind analysis
"Fix, Analyze, Compensate, Correct, Update"
A course and time correction, including a BDHI correction
The demo normally extends from the 2 minute prior call at Pt. A to the MOT call at
Pt. B.
The instructor will correct errors in the students' distance estimates and
At 500 feet AGL and 1 minute to go (5 NM out), the turn point or checkpoint is
approximately way to the horizon. The full horizon is approximately 3 minutes out
(15 NM away).
The student will brief hop in its entirety, including all standards, with instructor's assistance
as required. Same brief procedures as VNAV-5. Format/procedure deviation (on deck or
airborne) is not average. The average student may be slow with procedures and will be
inaccurate at judging distances. The flight will stress the BASICS -- format and procedures,
Clock, Chart, Ground, etc.
Student will brief hop in its entirety. The next low-level hop is the students' checkride. A
"longer noose" is given to the student. NO basic format or procedures errors are permitted.
Deviations permitted here will only hurt the student on the checkride, where little direct
assistance is given. Student's distance estimate errors shall always be corrected.
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