Normally the climbout instructions will serve as the missed approach brief.
Dial in your departure altitude in the altitude selector.
The student should know the `on-course" heading from the practice field to the next
point in the route of flight.
Student will brief hop in its entirety. Same procedures and formats as ANAV-16 & 17.
a. Enroute
The instructor will require the student to perform a route change in-flight. The student
will contact ATC to request the route change, recompute an ETA to the new turnpoint,
and recompute an updated initial approach fix fuel.
b. Approach
The practice approach (optional) should be out of the local area (not talking to Pensacola
NOTE: ANAV-20 & 21 may be completed in any order.
Enroute standards are the same as ANAV-18.
a. Brief
The student should bring to the brief:
A flight log winded for all enroute legs
All appropriate charts, pubs, and a completed DD-175
A completed low-level chart
The instructor will demonstrate how to brief a low-level route.
The student should be able to draw or recite from memory:
Turn point features and all features that are going to aid the student in locating the
turn point
Times and headings to all turn points and intermediate check points
General location of all obstructions higher than A/C altitude within 3 NM of
course centerline and ALL altitude changes. Inflight hazard calls are made for
any obstruction 300 feet or higher.
Wind analysis formulas without error
Turn point procedures, intermediate checkpoint and hazard calls without error
Fix, Analyze, Compensate, Correct, then Update times
How to perform a BDHI correction and its parameters
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