navigate to the missed approach point.
While navigating inbound to the airfield, any crosswind will have significant effect on
the course. Using the same wind analysis as during the enroute phase, at 120 knots one
degree of crab is required for every two knots of crosswind. The crosswind can be easily
compensated for since the winds have been obtained from ATIS or METRO during the
Descent checklist. When correcting back on course, use the wind-adjusted heading and
make appropriate corrections. Aggressive corrections to course are recommended, but,
when intercepting final course, be aware of the small distance between radials near the
Throughout the approach it is very likely other aircraft will be near you, which
increases the potential for a midair. A good scan must be developed. Listening to the radio
gives information on how many aircraft are in the area, their location in the pattern and
type of approach. When up Tower frequency, it is a good idea to listen to the call signs and
positions of the various aircraft and develop a mental picture of their approximate
locations. "Clearing on the radios" will help develop the situational awareness required of
every aviator throughout their career. This is especially true given the hazards of flying
around the ship.
e. VFR arrival procedures (Course Rules)
Entering for the "break" (or the "overhead") at Sherman Field is the same for all jet
aircraft. Aircraft are to be at 2000 feet MSL, wings-level, 3 NM prior to the entry point.
The entry points are "Point X-RAY" (NPA 231/6) for runway 07, "Bronson" (NPA 288/5)
for runway 19, "Point Long" (NPA 180/6) for runway 01, and "Pickens Gate" (NPA 104/7)
for runway 25. Maintain 2000 feet MSL until 3 DME (or crossing Blue Angel Parkway for
runway 19), then descend to 1300 feet. The "break" altitude is 1300 feet and is always
toward base operations for jets. Pattern altitude is 800 feet. VFR entry Procedures and
course rules must be committed to memory. (See Appendices pages D-1 and D-2)
f. ILS approach procedures
During ANAV/AN flights, an Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach may be
conducted as a demonstration item. It is important to understand the basics of how an ILS
After contacting approach control and requesting an ILS, the aircraft will be vectored to
intercept the final approach course at a specific altitude (approximately 1,000 feet to 2,500
feet AGL). Prior to the final approach course the appropriate ILS frequency will be set in
VHF NAV (ILS/LOC). DME, if available, will be displayed on the digital DME display.
Ensure the information is displayed on the EHSI. The approach plate has all required
altitudes, courses, and frequencies. The pilot and instructor will demonstrate how the
aircraft's autopilot and instrumentation will be set to maintain the proper final approach
course and glideslope to the runway. The Landing Checklist shall be initiated no later
than one "dot" below glideslope (i.e., the carrot will be one "dot" above the reference
datum) or 7 nm on final.
g. On deck procedures
It is important to emphasize the flight does not end at touchdown. Your attention must
be focused until back in the ready room. During the landing roll, call out runway
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