remaining and airspeed ("5 Board, 100 Knots") until 60 Knots. When clear of all active
runways, call Ground Control for taxi and initiate the After Clearing Runway checklist.
While taxiing it is still the copilot's responsibility to clear the right side of the aircraft. On
the ramp, call Base and report the aircraft status. In VT-86, the instructor will call base.
When the aircraft is in the chocks, initiate the Engine Shutdown checklist.
h. Flight record
The WINFLIR is filled out at the completion of every flight and is completed in the
same manner with a few exceptions. An "E" is placed in location 10, since the crew and
aircraft do not have the same organization code. Since it is possible to have more than one
mission per WINFLIR, these should be designated in the Total Mission Requirement Data
section (ANAV flights are 1G2, VNAV flights are 1G1). Raytheon Pilots are listed by
name on the WINFLIR. The next line should be the Mission Commander/Instructor having
a Special Qualification of "Z." Student Data should follow, using Special Code of "T", or
"B" if only flying as an Observer. There will be an instruction sheet located in the area and
the standard for completing the flight record is zero errors. Have the Mission Commander
sign the WINFLIR and deposit it in the appropriate location determined by your squadron.
i. Flight debrief
The flight debrief is conducted at the conclusion of the flight. The debrief will begin
at the instructor's discretion. Bring all the equipment utilized during the flight to the
briefing room, including your "junk jacket." If the flight was a check flight, special check
flight, re-fly, or other flight which required a jacket review, the instructor and student
should ensure the appropriate entries are made in the aviation training jacket (ATJ). At the
conclusion of the debrief, the student will route the grade sheet, aviation training jacket,
and down chit (if applicable) to student control.
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